The activity is a component of the Plan Scheme of the Department titled “Research and Development Programme in Water Sector and Implementation of National Water Mission”. The subcomponents of the activity are as follows:

(a) R&D activities in Apex Organisations at National level:
There are four premier organisations under the Department which carry out research of applied nature and provide solutions to the demand driven problems through the specific research activities funded under the scheme. These organisations are as under:
• Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune
• Central Soil and Material Research Station, New Delhi
• National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
• Central Water Commission, New Delhi

(b) Sponsoring and Co-ordinating research in water sector:
Keeping the peculiarities and large variation in the nature of problems associated with water resources planning and development in view, the issues involved in research related to particular region and specific project cannot be addressed completely through the premier organizations of Ministry. In order to encourage research activities of this nature, DoWR, RD & GR is sponsoring research schemes in various IITs, Universities, recognised R&D laboratories, Water Resources/ Irrigation departments of the Central and State Governments and NGOs through three Indian National Committees (INCs). These Committees are as under:
• Indian National Committee on Surface Water
• Indian National Committee on Ground Water
• Indian National Committee on Climate Change

(c) Dissemination of research findings and technology transfer:
As part of the scheme, the task of dissemination of research findings to all concerned for its application in field is accomplished through publication of research papers, reports, organising and sponsoring seminars / workshops. The seminar/workshop is sponsored on the basis of application received from the concerned organisation as per guidelines of the department.

(d) Studies through Consultancies: Studies are undertaken through consultancy in priority areas such as (a) Water Use Efficiency (b) Post Project Performance Evaluation (c) Environment Impact Assessment in respect of completed / upcoming water resources projects and other areas including impact of climate change on water resources and awareness thereof. Besides, Evaluation of R&D activities is also conducted by engaging independent consultants.