Nodal Contact Details Name * Designation * Email * Contact No. * Initiative Details Select theme * - Select -Policy initiatives in Water ConservationRooftop Rain Water Harvesting InitiativesRecharge of Groundwater InitiativesRevival of Traditional Water BodiesAwareness Generation InitiativeLeadership of Women/Communities/WUAs/SHGs in Water ConservationSmall River Rejuvenation InitiativeInitiatives for School children on water conservationWater Use Efficiency initiativesWater conservation in hilly areas.Reuse of Treated WaterHarnessing the potential of STARTUPs for innovative water solutions.Intensive Afforestation Title * Place of implementation * Organization * Year of implementation * Background * Objectives * Interventions * Outcome * Innovation * Photographs (Before) Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png. Photographs (After) * Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png. Video link CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor. Math question * 2 + 0 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.