Brainstorming Sessions

Date List of Participants Venue Original Signature copies Photographs
21/June/2017 Participant List MD Office NWM, Block-3, Floor-2, CGO Complex. Singnature & details   
19/July/2017 Participants List MD Office NWM, Block-3, Floor-2, CGO Complex. Signature & details  
26/July/2017 Participants List Conference Hall, DBT, Block-3, Floor-5, CGO Complex Signature & details  
10/Aug/2017 Participants List Conference hall, DBT, Block-3, 5th floor, CGO Complex Signature & details  
24/Aug/2017 Participants List MD Office NWM, Block-3, Floor-2, CGO Complex    
25/Aug/2017 Participants List PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry  New Delhi   Photographs 
26/Sep/2017 Participant List MD Office NWM, Block-3, Floor-2, CGO Complex    
05/Oct/2017 Participant List MD Office NWM, Block-3, Floor-2, CGO Complex    
23-Oct-2017 Participant List-1
Participant List-2
Participant List-3
Central Water Commission, New Delhi Signature & details Photographs 
14-Nov-2017 Participant List MD Chamber NWM 2nd Floor CGO Complex New Delhi   Photographs
27-March-2018 Participant List Conference hall, DBT, Block-3, 5th floor, CGO Complex   Photographs-I