Groundwater recharge structures


Some interventions are following:-
Recharge shafts
Recharge pits
Percolation Ponds
Injection wells etc

Place of implementation: 
Udham Singh Nagar
Organisation / Department: 
Swajal, Peyjal Nigam, Rural Development.
Year of implementation: 

Groundwater recharge structures are designed to enhance the natural process of groundwater replenishment. These structures help in directing surface water into the ground, allowing it to percolate through the soil and reach aquifers.


The primary objectives of groundwater recharge structures are:
Aquifer Recharge
Water Conservation
Flood Mitigation
Water Quality Improvement etc.


Groundwater recharge structures have several impactful outcomes:-
Increased Groundwater Levels
Enhanced Water Availability
Soil Conservation
Improved Water Quality
Sustainable Water Management
Flood Mitigation etc.


Smart Recharge Systems
Subsurface Dams
Recharge Shafts
Permeable Pavements
Remote Sensing and GIS
Artificial Wetlands
These innovations are helping to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of groundwater recharge efforts.