NWM Internship Scheme

National Water Mission Internship Scheme - 2021

List of candidates selected as interns

Date: 29.09.2021 

1. The National Action Plan on Climate Change envisages institutionalization of eight national missions which inter alia includes “National Water Mission (NWM)”. The objective of NWM is “Conservation of Water, minimizing waste and ensuring its more equitable distribution both across and within State through integrated water resources development and management”.

2. Five goals identified for the NWM are: -

2.1     Comprehensive water data base in public domain and assessment of impact of climate change on water resources;

2.2     Promotion of citizen and State action for water conservation, augmentation and preservation;

 2.3     Focused attention to vulnerable areas including over-exploited areas:

 2.4     Increasing water use efficiency by 20% and

 2.5     Promotion of basin level integrated water resources management.

3.       Attaining the goals of NWM requires the active participation of multiple stakeholders, especially youth.

4.        Accordingly, National Water Mission, Department of Water Resources, RD & GR, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India has formulated this scheme for young interns with effect from the date of approval of the scheme i.e. 17th  September, 2021.

5.       The Terms and Conditions along with the eligibility criteria for the application to the scheme are as under: -

5.1     Name of the Scheme:- The National Water Mission (NWM) Internship Scheme, 2021.

5.2     The Scheme: To allow short term engagement of “eligible persons” with Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (DoWR, RD  & GR)  as “interns”.

5.3 Internship is neither a job nor an assurance for a job in the DoWR,RD&GR.

5.4     Eligibility Criteria: Persons fulfilling the following criteria are eligible to apply for internship under the scheme: -

5.4.1 The applicant should be citizen of India.

5.4.2 The applicant should be a Graduate or a Post Graduate from a reputed University/ Institution within India or abroad.  Persons pursuing specialization in Water Resources and allied sectors would be preferred.

5.4.3 In case of Graduates:      The applicant should have obtained at least 60% marks at Graduation level, and     The applicant should not be above 24 years as on date of application.

5.4.4 In case of Post Graduates:    The applicant should have obtained at least 50% marks in Post Graduation level, and    The applicant should not be above 28 years of age as on date of application

5.4.5 Working knowledge of computers is mandatory.

5.5     Internship

5.5.1 Duration of Internship:- The period of internship shall be for a minimum period of two months but shall not exceed six months in individual cases.

5.5.2 Number of Interns: A maximum of ten Interns may be engaged at any given time by NWM Secretariat on remuneration basis.

5.5.3 Remuneration for the Interns: Interns engaged will be entitled to a consolidated remuneration of Rs.15,000/- per month per intern for post graduates and Rs.10,000/- per month per intern for graduates payable on submission and acceptance of internship reports by the Competent Authority in NWM. No other expenses like travel costs, etc. will be reimbursed.

5.5.4 Certificate of Internship: Certificates will be issued to the interns on satisfactory completion of their internship and on submission of their Report/Paper and its evaluation by NWM officers. Interns not completing the minimum period will not be issued any certificate.

5.5.5 Declaration of Secrecy:- Interns will be required to furnish a declaration of secrecy in prescribed format before reporting for internship.

5.5.6 Stay/accommodation: Interns have to make their own arrangements for their stay/accommodation at their own expense.

5.5.7 Certificate from Institution: At the time joining on selection, applicants shall be required to produce a letter from their Supervisor/Head of Department/Principal, indicating their status in the Institution and “No Objection Certificate” for allowing their student to undergo Internship programme for the period for which he/she is selected.

5.6     Application and Selection:

5.6.1 A link for submission of online application has been provided on the website of DoWR, RD & GR as well as of NWM.

5.6.2 Application has to be made online only.

5.6.3 A system generated acknowledgement or confirmation by email would be made available to applicants.

5.6.4  Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria and want to join in November, 2021 may apply by 31st  October, 2021 5:00 pm.

5.6.5  The candidate will be required to produce original certificates as to education qualification and proof of age once offer for internship is made.

5.6.6  A permission letter from their Supervisor or Head of Department, in case he/she is interested to join internship during academic sessions.

5.6.7 All these applications will be scrutinized and the offer will be communicated to the selected candidates subject to the availability of slot and approval of the Competent Authority.

5.6.8 NWM reserves the right to fix up the eligibility criteria, limit the number of applicants to be called for a particular period and to decide about the mode of screening thereof.

Note:      While all efforts would be made to keep the online system of applications activated at all times, no claim on account of its unavailability would be entertained.

5.7 Logistics and Support:- The interns would be provided with working space, computer/internet facility  on sharing basis and other necessities as deemed fit. Candidates are however, encouraged to have their own laptops.

5.8 Expected Outcomes:

5.8.1 The interns shall prepare the outline of the expected outcome in discussion with the concerned with and submit the project plan along with time lines. After completion, the intern shall submit a completion report both in hard copy and soft copy to the concerned in-charge officer of the NWM Secretariat with recommendation of Wing.

5.8.2 Interns will be required to present a brief report / paper at the end of their assignment to the NWM Secretariat also conveying their observations and the suggestions, if any on the scheme.

Application closed